Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Those dirty and shameless Matatu touts, boda boda operators, tax drivers among others who are in the public transport services sector, need a code of ethics and moral standards they should uphold.

It’s was so embarrassing when I found myself a victim of this irritating behaviour. It all happened when a tout grabbed me with sweaty hands attempting to persuade to board his vehicle as if I didn’t know where I was going. On confirmation that my clothes are not left with dirty patch; surprisingly I found it!!

How unbearable and intolerable it is if you are forced to travel seated next to a dirty tout. It’s uncouth and not only leaves one with almost a last chance of breath before suffocation but with a tale to tell. After all as we provide them with a livelihood they really ought to start treating us with a little more respect.

1 comment:

PPT said...

Your post made me Google the word 'touts' to find out more - I really had no idea about how aggressive they could get! Thanks for writing about this, one more thing to learn!