Monday, November 17, 2008


I am a twenty years old, living in Nakuru, Kenya. it was mere curiosity that ignited my interest in issues about HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. growing up in a culture where issues about sex and reproductive health are not talked about much, i sought to learn more about HIV/AIDS on my own. i realized i had a crucial role to play as a young person in getting other young people informed about how HIV/AIDS can be prevented and various roles all of us can play in fighting it.

This where the idea of joining a youth group concerned with these issues hatched from. it was very fortunate after joining REPACTED a youth group advocating for forum for behavior change that shared my goals and vision. at REPACTED as a dedicated volunteer member i have learnt a lot on issues of reproductive health and also experienced more through my daily dealings with the community members.

After a training session on community theater and peer education, i got to realize that my calling is to educate and sensitize young people to prevent new infections and encourage them to open up and seek counseling and tested to knw their HIV status.

i want to advocate for a world free from HIV/AIDS and STIs infections and make them a thing of the past

1 comment:

PPT said...

It's a very honourable calling you feel. I look forward to reading more on the activities you carry out to educate your peers. Good luck!