Monday, October 27, 2008


Finally there is something that our chattering world can agree on: children exploitation is an affront to humanitarian dignity. Child trafficking, labour, pornography, defilement, forced early marriages and neglect!!! The prevalence of these terrifying incidents reeks to high heaven and there can be no doubt that a child somewhere in the world requires assistance.

Who is it to blame? How will this menace be controlled? Are among the many rhetorical questions puzzling our sober minds and still unanswered. Don’t they have RIGHTS!!???? Why should they be exposed to a lifetime punishment? All these inhuman acts leave behind emotional, mental, physical and psychological traumas as the child grows. The government in conjunction with some humanitarian bodies has tried its best to impose harsh laws and measures taken to curb these offences. The immorality still crawls at an alarming rate to further affix its roots in society. Incidents have been reported but who cares about their suffering and grievances?

The persistence in occurrence is attributed to drugs and substance abuse, ignorance, joblessness, idleness, escaping responsibility, lack of self-control, influence from barbaric cultural practices and beliefs and poverty among others. According to my views, I believe all these can be done away with through education and Making an example of those found guilty these should be the best remedy in controlling this behavior.

Woe unto you all who indulge in the sins for the Bible clearly pronounces judgment upon all concerned. Children are the perfect example of those who will inherit the kingdom of God as stated in the bible. In the gospel of John it says our loving God gave out his only begotten son to be crucified for our sins. From this perspective how precious are we as human beings and why can’t we be thankful and grateful when innocent creatures are denied a chance of survival!!!

The behavior can’t keep on cropping up amongst us as we look because it is so painful. It’s a high time for me and you to stand up to save the innocent and come up with solutions and ways of ensuring respect, appreciation and upholding of oursssss values. We can choose as a nation and worldwide to be principled enough to do the right thing all times or we can be greedy and selfish and write our own obituary now.

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